How To Become an Authentic Leader

Posted on 9th May 2024

In today's fast-paced, interconnected business world, the key to successful leadership lies not in adopting a new persona, but in embracing your true self. Authentic leadership is about being honest, transparent, and genuine in your interactions with everyone, from the boardroom to the intern's desk. By establishing your personal brand and staying true to your values, you can inspire trust, boost morale, and drive your organisation towards greater success.

The Power of Personal Branding

As an executive at the C or D level, you already have a personal brand, whether you realise it or not. Your personal brand encompasses the values, experiences, and associations that people attach to you. It is what comes to mind when your name is mentioned in professional circles. By actively shaping and promoting your personal brand, you can position yourself as a credible and inspiring leader, much like how a marketing department promotes a product.

Five Pillars of Authentic Leadership

To achieve authentic leadership, focus on these five key components:

1. Self-awareness: Understand your strengths and weaknesses and have the courage to be yourself at work. Companies with self-aware employees tend to outperform those without—and self-awareness starts at the top.

2. Balanced guidance: Encourage open communication, weigh pros and cons, and involve your team in decision-making. When people feel heard, they feel valued.

3. Transparency: Share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions honestly, provide constructive feedback, and own your mistakes. This sets the tone for your entire organisation.

4. Mission focus: Align your team around a clear, well-defined purpose that demonstrates how your company makes a positive impact. This guides better decision-making and unites everyone towards a common goal.

5. Long-term planning: Make decisions based on the long-term success of your organisation, even if it means facing short-term challenges.

Developing Your Authentic Leadership Skills

While being an authentic leader means staying true to yourself, it also involves continuous self-improvement. Here are eight skills to cultivate:

1. Self-awareness: Gain clarity on who you are, how you work, what drives you, and your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Identifying your values: Be clear about your core beliefs and lead ethically. Your team's culture will reflect your qualities.

3. Improving communication skills: Master active listening, constructive feedback, and storytelling to build strong relationships with stakeholders at all levels.

4. Leading by example: Know your business and industry, be willing to take on tough tasks, and function as a role model for your team.

5. Developing emotional intelligence: Learn to manage your own emotions and those of others to build resilience and better working relationships.

6. Finding a network: Connect with other business leaders, attend events, and consider collaborating with an executive coach or mentor.

7. Relating to your team: Get to know your people, share information about your personal life, and be generous with praise and success.

8. Discipline: Develop a professional development plan to work on your weaknesses and put your values into action.

Becoming an authentic leader requires dedication and focus on personal growth, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By cultivating these skills and staying true to yourself, you can foster better working relationships, increase trust and productivity, and create a more positive work environment.
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