Building A Sustainable Future For Generics

Posted on 28th March 2024

The pharmaceutical industry is under increasing pressure to adopt more environmentally sustainable practices, and the generics sector is no exception. As the world faces the alarming consequences of climate change, business as usual is no longer an option. However, the transition to a more sustainable future presents both challenges and opportunities for the generics industry.

Balancing Cost-Effectiveness and Sustainability in Generics

One of the key challenges facing generics companies is the need to balance sustainability initiatives with the cost-effectiveness that the sector is known for. Changing established practices often requires significant upfront investments, which may not yield immediate returns. Additionally, any changes must be made in compliance with complex regulatory requirements, further adding to the costs involved.

To overcome these challenges, collaboration across the industry is essential. By working together with suppliers and other stakeholders, companies can identify opportunities to improve sustainability in generics while also addressing issues such as emissions, energy and water usage, and waste reduction. This collaborative approach can help to spread the costs and risks associated with adopting new practices, while also ensuring that sustainability improvements are made throughout the entire supply chain.

Innovative Packaging Solutions

Packaging is one area where the generics industry can make significant strides towards greater sustainability. Traditional glass vials used for injectable medicines have been a major source of waste, with an estimated 150,000 tons of Type 1 glass ending up in landfills each year. While completely eliminating single-use vials is not feasible due to sterility and patient safety requirements, innovative solutions are emerging that can help to reduce this waste.

One example of such a solution is the Corning Viridian Vial, which offers both environmental and operational benefits over traditional glass vials. These vials are designed to reduce glass waste-to-landfill by 20% and manufacturing CO2e emissions by up to 30%. Additionally, their low coefficient of friction allows for higher fill-finish speeds and throughput, potentially increasing manufacturing efficiency by up to 50%.

By adopting innovative packaging solutions like the Viridian Vial, generics companies can not only reduce their environmental impact but also improve their operational efficiency and product quality. This, in turn, can help to offset the costs associated with implementing sustainable practices.

A Comprehensive Approach to Sustainability in Generics

To truly build a sustainable future, the generics industry must take a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just environmental considerations. This means setting ambitious targets for reducing emissions, improving energy efficiency, reducing water usage, and eliminating operational waste. It also means working closely with suppliers to ensure that sustainability improvements are made throughout the entire supply chain.

In addition to these environmental initiatives, a comprehensive sustainability strategy should also address social and governance issues. This includes attracting and retaining talented employees, engaging with local communities, improving accessibility, and ensuring that all business practices are ethical and responsible.

By taking a holistic approach to sustainability, the generics industry can not only reduce its environmental impact but also build a stronger, more resilient business that is better positioned to meet the challenges of the future.


Building a sustainable future for the generics industry will not be easy, but it is essential if we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. By collaborating with suppliers and other stakeholders, adopting innovative solutions, and taking a comprehensive approach to sustainability, generics companies can overcome the challenges they face and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to a more sustainable future. In doing so, they can not only reduce their environmental impact but also build a stronger, more resilient industry that is better positioned to meet the needs of patients for generations to come.

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